“Tea Time” Lontray, Des and Midori are in the midst of a high stakes showdown with a kindly old woman. Where in the world is...
Latest episodes
“Lost in the Woods” Fresh from their (sort of) victory against Zariel in Avernus, The Barely Fortunate Party have been once...
Zariel, Queen of Avernus, goes toe to toe with Team Eagle’s Claw and Mole’s Fist. She never stood a chance. Preorder Descent...
The Barely Fortunate Party team up with special guest Jordan Raskopoulos to pull of their biggest hustle yet: scamming a demi-god. Preorder...
“Ride The Chain Lightning IV” With two chains left to sever to free Baldur’s Gate – can the Barely Fortunate Party...
“Ride The Chain Lightning III” A harrowing horror has been unwisely unleashed upon our unsuspecting adventurers. Preorder...
“Ride The Chain Lightning II” The Barely Fortunate Party find themselves with marooned around a chain with the hordes of hell...
“Ride The Chain Lightning I” After acquiring the Sword of Zariel and a few new scars the not-quite alive and well Barely...
The bleeding citadel looms before the Barely Fortunate Party, what trials and tribulations lie behind its crystal walls? Thank you so much...